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Take The Sucker

Kelli Rae Wilson

When a random child is screaming on a plane, the Wilson kid’s hand out candy, toys, play-doh .....anything. We feel them. Over the years I have held at least 6 stranger’s babies- which started with being denied most times at first, but by the end of the flight I got that baby in my hands😝.

Two years ago, I met a women who was awesome- from the North Shore, she had 3 boys and her toddler chose to sit in between Koko and I to play play-doh. We were on a 5 hour flight that was delayed an hour from the D.R. By the end of the trip, the three seats on our side consisted of- the mom and I on the ends and our two kids sharing the middle seat, playing. My boys all shuffled around so the mom and I could let the littles play together on one seat. I was able to share Christ with this mom. We also discussed the gift of motherhood and the blessings children are. She told me I was the calmest mom she’s met..... I told her to see me behind closed doors #monstermom😛. I could tell she had never been told her children were true blessings, like a true gift from God, but based on her lifestyle she was in a circle were children were considered little burdens. Kids were more ‘have to do’s’ and sorta arm candy- nothing more. When we left each other from that plane ride she said she felt “refreshed”.... (all Glory to the Lord).

Today, Karter went to give an older baby (an infant) an “organic” sucker.... The parents denied it..... “She can’t have that yet”. Karter said, “Okay, she can keep it until she’s old enough, we have a ton.” It was their only child, I could feel the embarrassment for them as the baby screamed and screamed and screamed. Karter wanted to help. I’m the first person on any plane to sympathize with a parent whose child is upset. This child was dog-mad. Almost growling. I was shrinking in my seat for them and felt horrible. Tbh, I told Chris 3 times, should I just go grab the baby to help them? I didn’t want to embarrass them.

I couldn’t help but think of the pressure this family of 3 felt. They had paid for two seats (holding an infant) and sat by a business man. I wanted to say to the parents...“just give her the sucker already..... she won’t die..I promise she will love it.”

Pride. As parents, we seem to always know what’s best. As I sat in the airplane chair praying for these poor parents and the poor baby, I reflect. I know the feeling of humiliation as your child cry’s usually from ear pain. You feel everyone on the plane is looking at you or hates you. With my kids entertained and my baby sleeping, I was reminded of another time I was hit with the “Ah-ha moment of pride”. Several years ago, we did street ministry in the USA. Street ministry in the USA is much different than in poverty stricken places- I have been involved in both. As we offered people prayer (U.S.), some were glad and joyfully eager to have someone care. Some, rejected and denied with responses: “No, I’m fine” “I don’t need that right now”. You can feel perhaps everyone is looking at you when you are being prayed for (sorta like the parents of the screaming baby). People looking at you as you ask for prayer feels humiliating, but it shouldn’t. I actually learned a lot from those street ministries. Prior to this ministry, I had never been approached or asked if I needed prayer-here in the states, in an open forum. By watching people’s responses - I thought of my own. What would I say? How would I act? Would I say no “I’m fine?” “I’m good”....Who doesn’t need prayer? How silly.

Like the parents who truly could take the sucker and benefit from it, I am reminded of all of us who could use a prayer and benefit from talking candid to God.....but we are fine.

Pride comes from having the notion we have all the knowledge. A sort of a “know it all”. Most of us, especially with our first child, become puffed up, it’s hard- I’ve been there. I still am there on days. I can do this myself as it seems. The rules we follow to keep the perfect parent status, the wholesome, chemical free, sugar free, no treats or rewards..(okay I never was like that with food -but I was that way in other areas). The notion we don’t need help or we step outside our knowledge bubble ...we can look weak. This also reminds me of our walk with Christ. Pride is to also think we do not “need” prayer, such as we don’t “need” the sucker...because we know what’s best already.

Today I reflect:

•Take the sucker

•Take the prayer

Colossians 4:2-6

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