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#superbowl #halftime show

Kelli Rae Wilson

I wrote this after my devotional time this morning and am just getting a chance to post it #superbowl #halftimeshow

It's sad how much of this world has no regard for what hurts or glorifies God anymore. We are either so far from Him that we don't see what hurts Him; or, we see it and just don't care.

Last night there were so many hidden messages and agendas in that halftime show. Beyoncé announcing Formation tour: her Formation /anti-police song and video are absolutely demonic, vulgar, creates segregation and demoralizes African American females. She may have a passion to help a racial issue that has been brewing and hurting many people, but showing hate by submerging a cop car in water is the opposite of "believe in Love", which is the equality slogan she danced to during the half-time show (with the 'Black Panther Party' back-up dancers).

We have lost the battle for traditional marriage in this country. Our Super Bowl stadium, drum sets and artists' costumes all have a subliminal meaning to destroy modesty and family. God looks down upon our homes and what does he see inside? Us sitting as families watching and posting, "who sang it best"? We piled our plates high with junk food as we glorify artists who are tearing our Christian values apart. More Christians prepared for the Super Bowl than those that prepared for Sunday church service earlier that morning.

It is sad to see the African American community put their worth and slogan of "Black lives matter" into the same slogan category as that of a lifestyle choice (love wins slogan). Our life worth and our skin color is not a choice, nor is it just another equal rights movement like that of a life-style movement. We are all made precious in HIS sight.

One thing remains: Love does win. God himself is love. He loves us despite our sin. He loves us all and our different skin color is the beauty of being made in His image (Genesis 1:27). He has made authority on this earth for us to abide by. He has made us equal not by what we do but by HIS love for us.

It breaks my heart to see people jumping onto all these different movements and they have no idea what is behind them. Most have no idea nor have ever felt the one TRUE movement: God is love, God is Just, God is righteous in His judgment, God is Merciful, God is jealous for our love toward HIM, God is Love.

1 John 4:10

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.


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