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no longer a slave to the gym

Kelli Rae Wilson

"N͟O͟ L͟O͟N͟G͟E͟R͟ A͟ S͟L͟A͟V͟E͟ T͟O͟ T͟H͟E͟ G͟Y͟M͟"

I casually pulled out these cut-off shorts I had made from my senior year of high school. High-waisted Calvin Klein's are back in-style. Growing older has some advantages!💥🙌🏻

While fitting into those shorts was not a goal, it felt amazing because four pregnancies are hard on the body. But....a year and a half ago I stopped being a slave to the gym. I have always worked out and have always been an athlete but I prayed for God to release me of the pressure to reside in the gym every single morning, because if I missed- it would eat at me all day. Spending every day a slave to the food I was eating just to work out and have a metabolism was frustrating. Spending mornings there just to to be fit or even just to eat and have my food digest was the world I lived in even after the baby weight came off. I have lived this routine my whole life and now I know why my metabolism was so bad even through my teen years.

Coincidentally, I also travel often. Since last July I have flown on an airplane every month. Years ago my stomach and digestion would be so out-of-wack from that. I would be frantic to find a gym or safe road to run on.

I don't speak about physical health often because I believe our inner appearance is what God sees (man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart).

None-the -less, a few years ago I posted my shrinks belly wrap that helped me immensely after Koko's birth and many have reached out to me about that wrap because it put my waist in great shape just days after her birth👍🏼👍🏼😍. I love sharing secrets of what helps!

I want to post about something else that has helped me and how I have already helped many people the last year; and yet, I have not been very vocal about this on social media. I credit my health and new wisdom on this issue to the Lord guiding me. For years I was pregnant and for years I had to workout to get down the baby weight. I'm just simply not a small person- I have to work "hard" like most of you. I had digestion issues and truly prayed for God to help me. He answered. I discovered Plexus. For a year and a half now I have been on Plexus bio-cleanse and probiotic5. After cautiously buying it retail for months, I thought this is silly I'm going all in. I also have given dozens of pills out to people to try, so for months now I have been selling it and giving it away. I sell because so many have asked me about it and I enjoy helping others. I have even given meal plans and light toning regiments to women who started this who were having a hard time in this food and weight war.

In conjunction to Plexus, I changed these things in my life:

•took out all sugar (the hidden sugars found in dressings, dessert, drinks etc) •took out processed foods (even healthy foods) •stopped working out vigorously** •I eat as much fatty foods as I want though👅 •take Plexus natural bio-cleanse and probiotic •for 60 days cut carbs but put them back in after •I take Plexus Sugar block when I have a cheat

Before this, even while running 5-7 miles daily, I had a hard time with the last 12lbs after Ainsley was born.... Always feeling bulky as I left the gym. Being athletic my body builds muscle under fat more frequently than slimming down. I wanting a more feminine slender look as I left exhausted from hard core workouts. God has really helped me understand new things. He has revealed a new routine to me and a new natural supplement that allows me to worry less about my workouts and ••boost my metabolism•• which was so poor for years due to my gut health. I also learned about why I was so sick for years. I am able to naturally clean my gut out and am hardly sick, even with all the kids' viruses coming into the house . That's huge considering I have had pancreatitis in adulthood, (and mono in the past) antibiotics stripped me of the good and the bad antibodies, essentially knocking my system out-of-wack for years.

✋🏻I am not going to post often about Plexus products, because it's not my sole focus right now. I would be willing to help anyone interested. I also will post on my blog (found in my bio) what my (and even Avarie's) favorite foods are that help with leaning out as opposed to bulking and gaining obsessive muscle mass from high protein and intense workouts.

When I first started Plexus I hardly heard about it. Chris (my hardest critic) was also skeptical. Now he takes it regularly and he has friends taking it, although some are buying it on Amazon for $20-40$ more a bottle (at-hem don't do that)... Avarie takes this as well and wow does she have stories about it!

Recently, I see Plexus all over social media🗣. So no need for me to cloud your newsfeed everyday. Plexus works best particularly with those who follow healthy living or want to start healthy living but have cravings and fail or eat well and are stuck. It has been known to help many who have thyroid issues, stomach -bloating, crohn's, arthritis, diabetes issues and skin issues. It slowly cleans out your digestive track (this is not a laxative), and restores good nutrients so your stomach can fight off bad and even toxic antibodies that build up in your blood, skin cells and some even say it helps brain function. Essentially, it naturally flushes your body and I like that. That's why I drink lemon water too :-)

God cares about us even down to the little physical prayers like my longing to "no longer be a slave to the gym". Don't get me wrong, I love the gym and do not look down on it, even though I have been away from it since this has helped me so much. I even love working out and you may see me back there one day. But, currently, I feel freed and I do light floor pilates at home for toning. As always, I watch what I eat and I even eat more now than ever. Thank you, Jesus. 🙌🏻 He's given me a new vision.

My ultimate joy comes from the Lord. However, feeling free and in-shape and not constantly thinking about the gym makes me feel so much more joy in my home. Being healthy to me means physically and spiritually letting go and letting God guide.

1 Timothy 4:8 "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."


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